Dianthus (Sweet William)
Dianthus is a work horse in the spring, early summer and fall. They can take the cold temps and will do well until temps reach the 90’s. The colors are vibrant and we cut Sweet William every Sunday and Thursday with the same amount of production either day. It’s recommended that you start Dianthus seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before March 20th (Zone 8b). Transplant out and space them 6”-8” apart.
Dianthus is a work horse in the spring, early summer and fall. They can take the cold temps and will do well until temps reach the 90’s. The colors are vibrant and we cut Sweet William every Sunday and Thursday with the same amount of production either day. It’s recommended that you start Dianthus seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before March 20th (Zone 8b). Transplant out and space them 6”-8” apart.
Dianthus is a work horse in the spring, early summer and fall. They can take the cold temps and will do well until temps reach the 90’s. The colors are vibrant and we cut Sweet William every Sunday and Thursday with the same amount of production either day. It’s recommended that you start Dianthus seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before March 20th (Zone 8b). Transplant out and space them 6”-8” apart.
100 seeds per pack
Full Sun
Do not cover seed. If you are direct sowing, cover with burlap to prevent birds and variants from feasting on your seeds.
18-24” tall; space 6”-9” apart