Handheld Bouquet Only


Our handheld bouquets are filled with beautiful stems and greenery based on the color palette that you choose. The bouquets are arranged using a garden bouquet approach, and are hand tied with a satin ribbon to match your bouquet. You will need to let us know if you would like a pastel or a red palette when you place your order.

Handheld Bouquet:
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Our handheld bouquets are filled with beautiful stems and greenery based on the color palette that you choose. The bouquets are arranged using a garden bouquet approach, and are hand tied with a satin ribbon to match your bouquet. You will need to let us know if you would like a pastel or a red palette when you place your order.

Our handheld bouquets are filled with beautiful stems and greenery based on the color palette that you choose. The bouquets are arranged using a garden bouquet approach, and are hand tied with a satin ribbon to match your bouquet. You will need to let us know if you would like a pastel or a red palette when you place your order.

Handheld Bouquet Set
Cuff Set
Event Cuff Only