Handheld Bouquet Set
Let us accessorize your prom attire with a beautiful handheld bouquet tied with a satin ribbon to match your palette. These bouquets are filled with the colors of your palette and are so elegant. You will look like the Belle of the Ball with this arrangement. We create these bouquets using only our farm stems with a garden bouquet style. The boutonniere is also uniquely created to match your bouquet.
Let us accessorize your prom attire with a beautiful handheld bouquet tied with a satin ribbon to match your palette. These bouquets are filled with the colors of your palette and are so elegant. You will look like the Belle of the Ball with this arrangement. We create these bouquets using only our farm stems with a garden bouquet style. The boutonniere is also uniquely created to match your bouquet.
Let us accessorize your prom attire with a beautiful handheld bouquet tied with a satin ribbon to match your palette. These bouquets are filled with the colors of your palette and are so elegant. You will look like the Belle of the Ball with this arrangement. We create these bouquets using only our farm stems with a garden bouquet style. The boutonniere is also uniquely created to match your bouquet.